Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Yeary Family

Sorry that I didn't get back to you guys yesterday, when I got home I had so much that everyone else needed for me to for them that before I knew it, it was almost 11pm.  We all know that I need my beauty sleep.
Let me first introduce you to my family. My wonderful husband of 4 years is David Yeary. He is an amazing man, he will give the world to me if that is what I want.
He goes all out to make sure that I am happy and it is really weird because I have never had a man to treat me like that.  It is hard to get use to but I am trying really hard..
David had 5 girls when we met, the oldest is Jessica she is 27 then there is Allison 25, Beth 24, Kayt 20, and Kathy 17. Wow is was doing something right or wrong..
Could you imagine being in a house with 6 girls, all day. Well myself I only had two children Ashley 24 and Wesley 21.
David had told me some really good stories about the girls growing up but I will tell you that another day. Right now I just want you to get to know my family.

Did I mention that we also have a God son living with us? No? Well his name is Michael and he is 21 years old.  He came to us almost 3 years ago.  Michael is my son Wesley's good friend.  He needed a home so we opened our doors to him. He is crazy as a hoot.
We have some of our best laughs with him.

Tomorrow I am going to start telling you some of our best stories and how we all came to be. 

Untill tomorrow.

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