Sunday, December 11, 2011

Here we go

Today is my first Blog, I have so much that I have to tell you.  My family is so hilarious.  We have this saying in our family when one of them says or does something funny or stupid that they have inducted themselves on the wall of shame.
If I were to write down every time someone made it on the wall the paper trail would be 5 miles long.
How many times have you been looking for your sunglasses and they were on your head, or looking for your keys and they were in your hand. Well we all have done that but my family takes it to the next step.  Like trying to listen through a microphone or calling them self..
Tomorrow I will start with our daughter Kayt.  We call her our onion. You know how an onion has layers well that is our Kayt.
Until tomorrow.
Live Life like there is NO tomorrow.

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