Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Are you really ready for Retirement?

June 25th 2019 Tuesday

As a kids we always dream of what we want to do when we grew up. I wanted to be an artist and one day see my paintings on the walls of all the big buildings, and then I wanted to be a singer. Well I can tell you that I did neither. I do dabble a little with painting but as a hobby.  I did start working at our Middle school as a Special Ed. Paraprofessional. I worked with all types of special needs. I can say that my job was very rewarding and also painful at times. I stayed with my job for 20 years, 20 years in special ed. When I had made the decision to retire on my 20th year I had all these plans that I was going to do when I was at home. Things that we put off until later and that was 5 years ago. I was going to paint the cabinets, repaint the walls, paint the porches, put up a new mailbox....
I have been out of school now for 10 months, almost a year and I  haven't done any of those things? Nope.
It is overwhelming to me, You sit down to watch a few videos and look up and you have been watching videos for hours.  Do I get bored? Yes some days. Some days I think that I should have kept on working. I have asked myself this question; Are you really ready for retirement! I don't know is my answer.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A New Beginning

As of January 1st 2013, David and I are taking on a new journey. From January 1st to June 1st we are committing to giving up red meat and start on a healthy living. I know it is going to be a challenge but maybe together we can see it through.
I have posted a few pictures of what we look like now and each month I will post more. I hope that you follow along with our progress and you too can start a healthy campaign. 

To start; David weights 260, and I (Pam) weight 250
As you can see from the photo below I have a couple of chins. Wow..

I am very excited to see what improvements that our lives will show. I personally have problems with my left knee. I tore the cartilage under my knee cap. I take Glucosamine everyday to help rebuild the cushion in my knee. I am hoping that when I lose this weight that will also make a knee feel better.
We both need to make better choices of the foods that we eat, and exercise OMG. I am so not ready for that but I know that my weight loss will be more if I just do it. So that being said, today is the beginning of our life changing journey and together we a make this difference. Until tomorrow.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

September 25th 2012

Henley May Hamilton was born. This is our first grand baby. It is so funny how fast that you can fall in love with a baby.
We have been waiting a long time to be called granny and papa.  I will post more picture soon.

Love, Laugh, Live

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Proud Mom

There is nothing in this world that could ever compare to being a MOTHER. We are everything, we are doctors, lawyers, best friends and sometimes evilest person on the planet. Thats what makes a mother special.
Being a mother is the hardest job that I will ever have. But I would change a thing. I am the PROUDEST mom in the universe right now.
My son Wesley has a wonderful job. He works at Ford in Athens. Wesley has this natural talent that only can be born with. He can take a car apart and put it back together better than it was before. He is a great artist. Ever since weesley was a little boy I knew he would be taking thing apart and putting them back together again. I remember this one time Wesley was down in the basement and he had been there for a while so I went down to check on him. All I can say is I really loved that vaccum cleaner. He had taken it all apart. I asked  him what was he doing and he replied that he wanted to know how the wires worked. Hey I got a new vaccum cleaner. 
Wesley is 22 years old now and he is still taking things apart....
Now Ashley on the other hand she always got her finger stuck in something. One time she had stuck her finger in a hole on the back of our lawnmower and I thought that I was going to have to call 911. I used everything to try and pull it out. With a good tug it popped out. I don't know if this qualifies but now Ashley is 24 years old and is a chef. at Max Lagers in Atlanta. She has to put her finger in there and mix things up.. Ok it isn't close but I tried.
Either way I am so truely proud of my two children. They both have graduated from college and have great jobs.
Now I also have 5 step girls that I am also as proud of. Allison she is a teacher and also going to make me a grand mother..... October 16th.. Can't wait..
Beth, she graduated from Piedmont with a Mass Communications degree. Kayt is in college right at GA State, she is going to get her business degree. And last is Kathy, she is in the 11th grade and when she graduates she is going to college of her choice to be a Chemist. What she does with that we don't know yet..
So now see why I am such a PROUD mom.  Couldn't get any better, well unless one of these want to take care of me so that I can quit work to take care of my grandbaby..  :O) Just saying..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Granny...  Doesn't that sound great?  We just got the news that we were going to be grand parents, our daughter Allison is going to be a mother... October 9th. We are so excited.  David and I have been joking for awhile about wanting a grand baby and now we get to buy clothes, so many cute clothes.
Grand children are wonderful, they make the sweetest sounds and they smell so good. But the best thing about them is when they DON'T sounds good or smell good you can send them home....


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dog whisper

I know you probably know Caesar Millian on the show The Dog whisper. Well I really enjoy watching his show and how he can teach the dogs how to stop ripping things apart and creeping up behind you.
we have a daughter named Beth, I call her Bether Roo, I was wondering if I could use those same techniques on her. She is all the time breaking something or knocking things over and worst falling over things. I am going to start snapping my finger at her and making that sound that he does to see if it works.
My husband and I are calling ourselves the Beth Whisper!
Every time I see her getting close to the flower that she knocked over 3 times in one night I am going to snap my finger at her. By the way, did I mention that she is 24 years old? Yeap.
Clumsy as the day as she was born. But we still love her yes we do.. :O)
I will let you know if it works..

LIVE    LOVE    LAUGH, every day..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lock Down

Well today was a crazy day. A convict from the Madison Co. jail broke loose today and was hidding some where around the school so they put us in total lock down. It was a little spooky, but I knew we were in good hands.
Only problem was I was locked in my classroom with 10 EBD students....  Shall I say anything else.