Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dog whisper

I know you probably know Caesar Millian on the show The Dog whisper. Well I really enjoy watching his show and how he can teach the dogs how to stop ripping things apart and creeping up behind you.
we have a daughter named Beth, I call her Bether Roo, I was wondering if I could use those same techniques on her. She is all the time breaking something or knocking things over and worst falling over things. I am going to start snapping my finger at her and making that sound that he does to see if it works.
My husband and I are calling ourselves the Beth Whisper!
Every time I see her getting close to the flower that she knocked over 3 times in one night I am going to snap my finger at her. By the way, did I mention that she is 24 years old? Yeap.
Clumsy as the day as she was born. But we still love her yes we do.. :O)
I will let you know if it works..

LIVE    LOVE    LAUGH, every day..

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