Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lock Down

Well today was a crazy day. A convict from the Madison Co. jail broke loose today and was hidding some where around the school so they put us in total lock down. It was a little spooky, but I knew we were in good hands.
Only problem was I was locked in my classroom with 10 EBD students....  Shall I say anything else.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


I am a little confused maybe you can help me..  My wonderful husband bought me a Alienware computer for Christmas 2 years ago. It was beautiful all big and red. Well until it started having problems so eventually we had it replaced. We had a warranty on it.
Well they replaced it with a upgrade. I was very excited until I opened the box.  It had a huge green sticker on it that said refurbished.  "REFURBISHED" Now I might but little slow some days but replaced doesn't mean refurbished right.  That says to me that this computer at one time was broken and they fixed it and replace ours with it.
That is like going to the car dealership and buying a brand new car and having problems with i, then taking it back and trading for a old car at the same price.  That doesn't add up to me. What about you, what do you think. Let me.  I might be wrong..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mini Vacation

Living in Georgia is great.  One day we can be wearing shorts in January the next wearing thermal under ware.  The older I get the harder it is on me when it is really cold.  I have became a walking barometer, I can tell you when it is going to rain and tell you when it is turning cold.
I should be making money on my predictions if I wasn't laying in the floor when my leg up in the air and wrapped in ice..


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wishing for Snow

My youngest daughter Kathy is 17 and bless her poor heart, she is so smart but sometimes the things that comes out of her mouth is so funny.

David popped us some popcorn today and we are just sitting watching TV and Kathy asked her dad to get her the red glass off of the coffee table.  What is funny about this there was 2 red glasses on the table.

A couple of years ago she asked her dad what color was that red sweater.  See what I mean.

Bless her heart..

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dean Morris

Today is a very sad day.  Ms. Dean my sister's mother in-law passed away a couple of hours ago.  She has been going down hill ever since her husband died. Ms. Dean was a very sweet lady with the patience of God. 
Today heaven gave a new set of wings to an angel.

This is Mr. Clyde Morris, Dean's husband. He passed away 4 weeks ago.
We are going to miss them both very much. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years in Virginia

This is a picture of my husband and myself in Virginia. We took the family to my sisters to spend the New Years with.  We were hoping for snow like last year, but it didn't happen.  It was very warm and beautiful.
We took the kids on a hay ride down to the river. It is a very beautiful place. A place where you can just sit all day and think. I love living here in Georgia but Virginia is a amazing state.

My sister and her husband, Danny lives on their family farm. Dean and Clyde is Danny's parents. Together they have around 200 acres of the most beautiful land.  Here is a picture of the first family house that was built in the late 1800's restored of course but not many changes to it.  They still cook on a wood stove.  They still have a potatoe barn. Also this is the only way in and out to their house on this swinging bridge.  I couldn't imagine having to walk across a OLD bridge every day.  This is just a few of the things that makes this farm a unique place. I will later add more photos of our trip. 

 Untill tomorrow.