Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Are you really ready for Retirement?

June 25th 2019 Tuesday

As a kids we always dream of what we want to do when we grew up. I wanted to be an artist and one day see my paintings on the walls of all the big buildings, and then I wanted to be a singer. Well I can tell you that I did neither. I do dabble a little with painting but as a hobby.  I did start working at our Middle school as a Special Ed. Paraprofessional. I worked with all types of special needs. I can say that my job was very rewarding and also painful at times. I stayed with my job for 20 years, 20 years in special ed. When I had made the decision to retire on my 20th year I had all these plans that I was going to do when I was at home. Things that we put off until later and that was 5 years ago. I was going to paint the cabinets, repaint the walls, paint the porches, put up a new mailbox....
I have been out of school now for 10 months, almost a year and I  haven't done any of those things? Nope.
It is overwhelming to me, You sit down to watch a few videos and look up and you have been watching videos for hours.  Do I get bored? Yes some days. Some days I think that I should have kept on working. I have asked myself this question; Are you really ready for retirement! I don't know is my answer.